G-EYE™ Video Endoscope

Производитель: Pentax
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Страна происхождения: Япония
Регистрационное удостоверение: наличие.
Сертификат соответствия: наличие.

В стоимость входит гарантия от производителя, доставка, ввод в эксплуатацию, обучение персонала (при необходимости).

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The G-EYE™ HD+ endoscope is intended for the optical visualization, diagnosis and endoscopic treatment in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also intended for complete positioning of the endoscope in the gastrointestinal tract. The G-EYE™ HD+ endoscope combined with the disposable AB (Advancing Balloon) applied through the instrument channel, provides an ultimate assembly for performing deep and small intestine two-balloon endoscopy.

The G-EYE™ HD+ endoscope as well as the AB devices are controlled simultaneously by the SPARK2C inflation system.

  Key benefit of the G-EYE™ System
  • On-demand two balloon endoscopy by using NaviAid AB disposables for small intestine procedures.
  Key benefit of the G-EYE™ System
  • On-demand two balloon endoscopy by using NaviAid AB disposables for small intestine procedures.
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Диаметр вводимой трубки Distal End Diameter Диаметр канала для инструментов* Рабочая длина Угол обзора Сгибание Note
Вверх/Вниз Вправо/Влево
(мм) (mm) (мм) (мм) (°) (°)
11.6 11.5 3.8 1500 140 180 / 180 160 / 160 HD+, Water Jet System, permanently integrated reusable balloon
13.2 13.2 3.8 1700 140 180 / 180 160 / 160 HD+, Water Jet System, permanently integrated reusable balloon
13.2 13.2 3.8 1500 140 180 / 180 160 / 160 HD+, Water Jet System, permanently integrated reusable balloon